Americans lose their lives in home fires -
smoke alarm doubles the chance of surviving a home fire -
children die each day from measles -
chance of an unvaccinated person to contract measles -
people killed by natural disasters in the last 20 years -
people negatively impacted by natural disasters
Sleeves up. Hearts Open. All in.
The MISSION of the American Red Cross is to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
Why is it important?
Disaster Relief: The Red Cross responds to approximately 70,000 disasters in the U.S. every year, ranging from home fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes that impact millions.
Lifesaving Blood: Many lifesaving medical treatments would not be possible without blood donors.
Military Families: The support of military members and their families is essential for morale and optimum operational capabilities.
International Services: Disasters around the world devastate the lives of millions of people – and millions more die from easily preventable diseases.
Health & Safety Training & Education: Lifesaving skills are needed in the face of a health emergency. For more than a century, the Red Cross has been the go-to source for training and skills needed to prevent and respond to emergencies.
How do they do it?
Disaster Relief: For those affected by disasters, they circulate emergency response vehicles to hand out food and relief supplies and provide overnight shelter stays.
Lifesaving Blood: Through the support of 3.3 million generous volunteer blood donors, the Red Cross collects 40 percent of the blood used in the U.S. as the nation’s largest supplier and blood collection organization.
Military Families: They provide critical services with a caring touch focusing on emergency services, military families, and Veterans hospitals.
International Services: Through disaster relief services, vaccinations against deadly diseases, education in disaster preparedness, they are saving lives and meeting the needs of the world’s most vulnerable communities.
Health & Safety Training & Education: They provide First Aid and CPR training courses anyone entrusted with a life th at may require aid on a moment’s notice.
Progress so far?
With more than 90% of the Red Cross workforce as volunteers, they are assisting 53 people every 60 seconds! In the U.S. every year, they respond to 70,000 disasters and collect blood from 3.3 million donors. When it comes to international services, they’ve vaccinated 1.1 billion children against measles. In 2014, they supported 116,000 military members and their families. Lastly, when it comes to preparedness education, 25,000 Red Cross health & safety trainings take place daily.
Supporters you may know:
Adam Lambert, Ben Stiller, Bill Clinton, Black Eyed Peas, Bono, Bruno Mars, Cameron Diaz,Carrie Underwood, Charlize Theron, Common, Courtney Cox, David Beckham, Drew Barrymore, Ellen DeGeneres, Ellie Goulding, Fergie, George Clooney, Jack Johnson, Jay-Z, Jennifer Lopez, Joaquin Phoenix, Julia Roberts, Kate Hudson, Katy Perry, Matt Damon, Paul McCartney, Oprah, Will Smith, Willie Nelson, and too many more to list!
The American Red Cross has thousands of partners who support one or more of Red Cross five lines of services. With 90% of its workforce as volunteers, they also have strong partnerships with local cities, counties, and the local Emergency Medical Services Agency, and the local Office of Emergency Management.

Home Fire Campaign
Ongoing | Current Project

Disaster Cycle Services
Ongoing | Current Project

International Services
Ongoing | Current Project
Active Operating Locations
- Washington, DC (HQ)
- United States
- Caribbean
- Guam
people helped every 60 seconds -
children vaccinated against measles + rubella -
blood donors annually -
a day families are helped in a fire or natural disaster -
natural disasters each year in the U.S. -
of Red Cross workforce are volunteers