Looking for experiences and activities that make a positive impact on your trip? When you book hotels on Kind Traveler, you’ll find 100+ charities empowering you to give back to the local community. Many of the charities on Kind Traveler also offer unique experiences & activities that create a positive impact in communities.
Discover unique experiences & activities offered by charities on Kind Traveler. With every charity listing on Kind Traveler, you’ll find a section titled, “How You Can #TravelKindly.” Many charities list ways you can get involved beyond your donation while on your vacation. From bird and whale watching experiences, tours of marine mammal and wolf sanctuaries, and opportunities to connect with animals through sheep meditation and picnics at a farm sanctuary, you’ll find plenty of ways to get involved and make a positive impact beyond donations.
Discover destinations, hotels and local charities on Kind Traveler.
Explore all charities on Kind Traveler.
Photo: Charlie's Acres Farm Sanctuary: (Sonoma County, California)