Chamberlin Inn | Every Stay Gives Back


Total Positive Impact To Date | Membership Since January 2024

$ 10

dollars supports cost-sharing a conservation easement with farmers and ranchers, ensuring a legacy of ranching and agriculture

100 %

donated to Park County Open Lands program of the Jackson Hole Land Trust

$ 5

dollars per stay funds the Jackson Hole Land Trust’s Park County Open Land Program

$ 3320

total funds raised

Charity MIssion

The MISSION of Park County Open Lands program of the Jackson Hole Land Trust is to protect and steward Park County landscapes for current and future generations.


Why is it important?

The Jackson Hole Land Trust envisions a legacy of resilient open spaces, wildlife habitat, working lands, and community places, forever protected across Northwest Wyoming. Specifically, Park County Open Lands encompasses spectacular landscapes ranging from the mountain wilderness to the high desert sagebrush steppe. The Shoshone, Clarks Fork, and Greybull Rivers provide for blue ribbon fisheries, agriculture, and outdoor recreation. Ranches and farmlands at lower elevations produce food and fiber, a critical piece of the rural economy. These working lands also provide important habitat for this region’s iconic wildlife (Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Moose and Mule Deer, to name a few) that brings visitors from around the world to neighboring Yellowstone National Park. Collectively, the JHLT has protected more than 61,000 acres across Northwest Wyoming in their Jackson Hole, Green River Valley, Park County, and Wind River Valley program areas.

How do they do it?

Park County Open Lands at the Jackson Hole Land Trust works closely with private landowners to provide voluntary conservation easements, which limit the amount and location of development rights while protecting the conservation values present on the property. Through these efforts, the JHLT helps preserve the scenic, ecological, and agricultural values of key areas in Park County. The organization also plays a vital role in community outreach, educating the public about the importance of conservation and encouraging a sense of stewardship for the region's natural resources. By fostering collaborative relationships and employing a range of conservation tools, the Jackson Hole Land Trust effectively safeguards Northwest Wyoming’s landscapes for future generations, fostering the needs of both the environment and the local communities. In simple terms, JHLT Protects, Stewards and Connects.

How you can #TravelKindly:


About Chamberlin Inn

Located in the heart of Cody, Wyoming, just steps to legendary downtown Main Street, the historic Chamberlin Inn has always been recognized for providing the finest accommodations in Cody. Originally built in 1901, Chamberlin Inn has hosted discerning travelers, and distinguished celebrity guests during decades of hospitality. It boasts twenty-one individually custom-decorated guestrooms and cottages nestled around private landscaped gardens and a courtyard. Book directly with Chamberlin Inn and positively impact the local community with the Park County Open Lands program of the Jackson Hole Land Trust.